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Explore Charm of Nature in Museum

来源:湖南日报    时间:2023-08-18 11:08:29


China"s first National Ecology Day was celebrated on August 15, 2023. On that day, numerous residents and tourists went to the Hunan Museum of Geology, Hunan"s largest free natural science museum, to appreciate the charm of nature and learn about knowledge of natural resources. The photo shows visitors at the paleontology hall of the museum. (Photo/Tian Chao, Hunan Daily)

China"s first National Ecology Day was celebrated on August 15, 2023. On that day, numerous residents and tourists went to the Hunan Museum of Geology, Hunan"s largest free natural science museum, to appreciate the charm of nature and learn about knowledge of natural resources. The photo shows visitors at the paleontology hall of the museum. (Photo/Tian Chao, Hunan Daily)

China"s first National Ecology Day was celebrated on August 15, 2023. On that day, numerous residents and tourists went to the Hunan Museum of Geology, Hunan"s largest free natural science museum, to appreciate the charm of nature and learn about knowledge of natural resources. The photo shows visitors at the paleontology hall of the museum. (Photo/Tian Chao, Hunan Daily)

China"s first National Ecology Day was celebrated on August 15, 2023. On that day, numerous residents and tourists went to the Hunan Museum of Geology, Hunan"s largest free natural science museum, to appreciate the charm of nature and learn about knowledge of natural resources. The photo shows visitors at the paleontology hall of the museum. (Photo/Tian Chao, Hunan Daily)

China"s first National Ecology Day was celebrated on August 15, 2023. On that day, numerous residents and tourists went to the Hunan Museum of Geology, Hunan"s largest free natural science museum, to appreciate the charm of nature and learn about knowledge of natural resources. The photo shows visitors at the museum. (Photo/Tian Chao, Hunan Daily)

China"s first National Ecology Day was celebrated on August 15, 2023. On that day, numerous residents and tourists went to the Hunan Museum of Geology, Hunan"s largest free natural science museum, to appreciate the charm of nature and learn about knowledge of natural resources. The photo shows visitors at the paleontology hall of the museum. (Photo/Tian Chao, Hunan Daily)[gf]2002[/gf]


编辑:田梦瑶 吴雨霜(实习生)

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